Omega IVF


Expert Care Every Step of the Way


IUI i.e. intrauterine insemination is popularly known as artificial insemination. It is perhaps one of the most affordable and popular means of having a child for couples who are not able to conceive due to one or the other reason. Compared to IVF, it is a much easier option for people where mild male factor infertility is the problem. In this procedure, the sperm is placed directly inside the uterus of the woman in order to increase the chances of fertilization resulting in pregnancy.

The procedure essentially gives a head start to sperms to reach the eggs. The reasons for sperms not reaching the eggs naturally may be due to erectile dysfunction, poor motility of the sperms, the cervical environment of the woman might be hostile to sperms, cervical scar tissues hampering the movement of sperms, etc.

At Omega IVF & Fertility Centre, we run proper diagnostics and ascertain the reasons for infertility. We then determine the proper course of action based on your condition. It is due to this thorough care in providing treatment, Omega IVF & Fertility Centre has become one of the leading IUI fertility treatment facilities in Gurugram.

Who can try for IUI?

  • Male impotency
  • Irregular or absence of ovulation in woman
  • Where there is a problem with sperm count based upon size, shape as well as movement
  • Where the male member is not able to produce a healthy sperm or not have sexual intercourse because of any physical or medical condition
  • Unexplained fertility
  • Where the female is suffering from any cervix related disorders or medical condition

What is the IUI procedure?

Step 1- Doctors run diagnostic tests to determine your ovulation period, the wellness of woman’s fallopian tube.

Step 2- The man is thus, asked to produce a fresh specimen of sperm which is then washed & prepared.

Step 3- The washed sperm is then placed inside the woman’s uterus with the help of a catheter, a soft thin tube. It is a painless procedure that gets over within 5 minutes without any use of anesthesia.

Step 4- In some cases, doctor may prescribe vaginal inserts to support the implantation of embryo. And in some cases, it takes more than one IUI to gain successful pregnancy.


In vitro fertilization or IVF is a worldwide popular method of conceiving a child by fertilizing the male sperm and female eggs in a laboratory. It is a well known method of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). The laboratory created embryo is later transferred inside the woman’s uterus and after a few days she is tested for pregnancy. As a matter of fact, more than 6 billion babies have been born all over the world since the inception of this concept in 1978.The process involves forming an embryo in a laboratory dish rather than inside the body. Hence the usage of the term In Vitro – Outside. The procedure can also be recognized by the term ‘test-tube baby’ often referred to babies born of this method.

In the IVF method, the egg from the female parent and the sperm from the male parent are combined in a dish in a laboratory to form an embryo. Appropriate conditions will be maintained to let the egg and sperm fertilize into an embryo. The embryo thus formed is then placed in the uterus of the female parent with help of a catheter.

Often only a few of the eggs fertilize and grow into an embryo. Thus, in order to increase the chance of having a baby, multiple-eggs from the female parent are taken.

Who can opt for IVF?

Advanced Age, Low AMH, Endometriosis, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Male Infertility, Fibroid, Blocked Tubes, Failed IUI Cycles, Unexplained Infertility, PCOD patients not responding to other treatments.

What is the procedure for IVF?

Step 1- The patient is medically examined to determine the best course of IVF treatment that suits their condition well.

Step 2- The women visits on the day 2 & 3 of her menstrual cycle so that her ovaries can be stimulated with the aid of medication. It ensures growth of follicles containing eggs. This takes 8-12 days.

Step 3- The eggs are retrieved after being given an injection to trigger the final maturation.

Step 4- A fresh specimen of semen is collected from the man which is then processed by an embryologist in an ART ab.

Step 5- The embryos are then kept in incubation for 2-6 days.

Step 6- The best embryo is then transferred into the uterus and pregnancy test are prescribed after certain time passes.

Realize your dream of becoming a parent today. Set an appointment with our IVF specialist right now!

Egg Freezing

Our egg freezing facility works wonder as it gives you a chance to try for parenthood at our desire time without any worries of age, medical condition or any other such problem. Herein the eggs of a woman are retrieved and checked for quality. Then the best eggs are frozen using the highly advanced technological processes as per the client’s desired time be it a year or more than that!

Who can opt for the egg freezing process?

  • Patients who are about to begin a medical treatment that can cause negative impact on their child bearing abilities in the future like cancer patients
  • Women who want to postpone their pregnancy for various other reasons


Egg freezing process

Step 1- Medical examination

The female patient is asked to come for a medical examination in which various tests are conducted on her to determine the quality of her eggs as well as her fertility status.

Step 2- Hormonal Stimulation

The patient is then given hormonal stimulation through medication so as to ensure the development of healthy eggs inside her. It also increases the number of matured eggs which are later on preserved.

Step 3- Egg Retrieval

This process, also known as egg collection is a painless method in which eggs are retrieved from a woman’s uterus under sedation.

Step 4- Egg Freezing

Under this process, eggs are frozen using the vitrification process. The time period is determined as per the patient’s requirements.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm freezing or Sperm cryopreservation is a technique designed to preserve & store sperm in a sperm bank for future use. In this procedure, sperm can be stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°C for many years with a reasonable quality. Sperm banks can also collects and stores donor sperm. Frozen Sperms (including donor sperm) are use in IVF, Intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Why is Sperm freezing required?

  • In case of remarriage or death of a child may want to use back up frozen sperm sample.
  • Patients with a low sperm count or sperm quality is declining.
  • Patients taking some medical treatment that may affect his fertility.
  • Patients with cancer – chemotherapy and radiotherapy are known to be toxic to the gonads lead to deterioration in not just sperm counts but sperm quality as well.
  • Patients with other medical conditions diabetes (may cause erectile difficulty) etc.
  • Certain types of pelvic or testicular surgery (prevents sperm to enter into the urethra).
  • When sperm required for donation purpose – donated sperms by law has to be frozen and quarantined till donor is tested to confirm to be free of any infections like HIV, hepatitis B or C etc.
  • In some cases, patient has difficulty producing a sample on the day of fertility treatment or is not present on day of egg retrieval.
  • Undergoing Vasectomy (This is a surgical procedure for permanent contraception in males in which small tubes of scrotum that carry sperm are cut or blocked off, so sperm can’t enter into the urethra and prevents pregnancy).
  • Life threateningoccupations (Personals of Armed Forces).
  • Planning a late pregnancy.


Sperm freezing is a safe, simple, established and no risk associated procedure, which has resulted in many successful pregnancies. Steps of sperm freezing are

  1. Clinician explains the procedure of sperm freezing to patient.
  2. Patient will be screened for infectious diseases including HIV, Hepatitis B and C.
  3. Patient will provide written consent for his sperm to be stored.
  4. Patient produces fresh sperm sample (Sample is collected by at least two days after intercourse and difference between collecting sample is two days).
  5. Every sample is assessed microscopically.
  6. Every sample is combined with protectant solution that allows sperm to survive the freezing and storage process.
  7. Samples are placed in labelled cryovials.
  8. Cryovials are slowly frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor.
  9. Afterwards, cryovials are placed in liquid nitrogen and stored in cryogenic tanks at a temperature of -196°C for future use (At least two samples stored and is an individual choice).


The survival rate of sperm after cryopreservation can vary widely. Depending on the amount of sperm banked, the andrology laboratory recommends that one of the cryovials be thawed to examine how successfully an individual’s semen can be stored and thawed. Sperm cryopreservation is carried out by expertise IVF specialist and andrologist in the government authorized sperm banks which are well equipped with specialised freezing and storing equipments. Among urban couples where both are busy in their professional lives, sperm freezing is a reliable and unique opportunity to have baby in later age. In India, cost of sperm freezing in bank is about Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 per sample. Rate of conception through frozen sperm is high as andrologist analyze the motility and mobility of the frozen sperm before IVF or IUI starts. Before freezing of sperms in bank, couples should undergo counselling with expertise infertility specialist and obtains information about sperm cryopreservation technique and its outcomes.

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